Posts for: #c++

RTOS Simulator

RTOS Simulator
I studied Computer Engineering at the university of massachusetts lowell. A large portion of my studies involved hardware and embedded programming. For most of my career, I have shifted focus to software only development in Python, Java, and Javascript. Was thinking back about hardware related projects I have done in the past, and reflecting on how much I enjoyed them. One project was a gy_521 Accelerometer driver for the raspberry pi, written in C++.
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Trying Carbon, Yet Another Programming Language

Trying Carbon, Yet Another Programming Language
I already know what you’re thinking: Oh great. Another damn programming language. When will this madness end? Just when you thought you were caught up on technology trends, google says fuck it, and drops a new programming language. Like Javascript web frameworks, your skills are now obsolete and you will need to learn this new language if you ever hope on getting hired. The language is called Carbon and It’s designed to be a successor to C++.
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