Deploying Hugo Site With Docker
I recently decided to start playing around with hugo. I’ve been looking for a light weight web framework to build a simple website in. For the style of website i’m going for, React or VueJS seemed overkill to get the job done. I was inspired to try hugo after watching this Luke Smith Youtube Video:
My computer has been infested with a bunch of different frameworks I have tried out. I have React, React Native, Laravel, Svelte. I did not want to dirty up my pc any more.
I found the following docker container, which bundles hugo and it can build out a project for you. The container can be found on the docker registry: hugo-builder
Creating a Hugo project⌗
You must first make sure docker is installed on your system. Dockers installation instructions are here: Docker Installation Instructions
I’m using WSL2 so I used chocolatey to install docker-desktop. To learn more about chocolatey check out their website here: Chocolatey
With docker installed we can generate a hugo project using docker:
docker run --rm -it \
-v $PWD:/src -u hugo xdevbase/hugo-builder \
hugo new site jmaguy_hugo
If you’re following along with this guide, replace jmaguy_hugo
with whatever you please. This will create a directory with what you decided to give for a name.
Installing and Customizing a Theme⌗
You must choose a hugo theme to style your content. Luckily hugo has a large set of themes readily available: Hugo Themes
I’m choosing the theme terminal. Make sure to follow your chosen theme’s github instructions for installation procedures. To install the terminal theme:
cd jmaguy_hugo # replace with your project name if following along
git submodule add -f themes/terminal
echo 'theme = "terminal"' >> config.toml
If we want to configure the terminal theme, we can copy and paste the following at the bottom of our config.toml file. Uncommenting and flipping the true/false values will modfiy different parts of the theme:
# dir name of your main content (default is `content/posts`).
# the list of set content will show up on your index page (baseurl).
contentTypeName = "posts"
# ["orange", "blue", "red", "green", "pink"]
themeColor = "orange"
# if you set this to 0, only submenu trigger will be visible
showMenuItems = 2
# show selector to switch language
showLanguageSelector = false
# set theme to full screen width
fullWidthTheme = false
# center theme with default width
centerTheme = false
# if your resource directory contains an image called `cover.(jpg|png|webp)`,
# then the file will be used as a cover automatically.
# With this option you don't have to put the `cover` param in a front-matter.
autoCover = true
# set post to show the last updated
# If you use git, you can set `enableGitInfo` to `true` and then post will automatically get the last updated
showLastUpdated = false
# set a custom favicon (default is a `themeColor` square)
# favicon = "favicon.ico"
# Provide a string as a prefix for the last update date. By default, it looks like this: 2020-xx-xx [Updated: 2020-xx-xx] :: Author
# updatedDatePrefix = "Updated"
# set all headings to their default size (depending on browser settings)
# oneHeadingSize = true # default
# whether to show a page's estimated reading time
# readingTime = false # default
# whether to show a table of contents
# can be overridden in a page's front-matter
# Toc = false # default
# set title for the table of contents
# can be overridden in a page's front-matter
# TocTitle = "Table of Contents" # default
# set Twitter handles for Twitter cards
# see
# do not include @
creator = ""
site = ""
languageName = "English"
title = "Terminal"
subtitle = "A simple, retro theme for Hugo"
owner = ""
keywords = ""
copyright = ""
menuMore = "Show more"
readMore = "Read more"
readOtherPosts = "Read other posts"
newerPosts = "Newer posts"
olderPosts = "Older posts"
missingContentMessage = "Page not found..."
missingBackButtonLabel = "Back to home page"
logoText = "Terminal"
logoHomeLink = "/"
identifier = "about"
name = "About"
url = "/about"
identifier = "showcase"
name = "Showcase"
url = "/showcase"
Running the Site⌗
Running and deploying your site is easy, thanks to docker. To serve your webpage run the following docker command:
docker run --rm -it \
-v $PWD:/src -p 1313:1313 \
-u hugo xdevbase/hugo-builder \
hugo server -D -w --bind=
See your webpage displayed here: Your New Hugo Page. Any new changes to your website, the server should autoreload.
Add a post⌗
Adding a post is streamlined through docker.
To create a post:
docker run --rm -it \
-v $PWD:/src -u hugo xdevbase/hugo-builder \
hugo new posts/ # replace with your desired name
You can start editing that file and writing markdown. If you need a markdown refresher: Hugo Markdown
Another thing to note is that Hugo uses the Goldmark markdown parser. Make sure to set draft
to false to see your posts appear on the webpage.