Jake Maguy

Hi my name is Jake Maguy

I am a software engineer working at Viasat. Welcome to my personal website. I will discuss programming projects that I’m looking into, as well as documenting lifestyle blogs. Along with programming topics, you can expect to see content related to motorcycling, fishing, hiking, and music.

Latest Posts:

RTOS Simulator

RTOS Simulator
I studied Computer Engineering at the university of massachusetts lowell. A large portion of my studies involved hardware and embedded programming. For most of my career, I have shifted focus to software only development in Python, Java, and Javascript. Was thinking back about hardware related projects I have done in the past, and reflecting on how much I enjoyed them. One project was a gy_521 Accelerometer driver for the raspberry pi, written in C++.
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Spending Hours Automating a Task That Takes a Few Minutes

Spending Hours Automating a Task That Takes a Few Minutes
The cover image for this post is not a joke. It is based on reality. On today’s episode of things that took way too much time, I used rust to automate a simple task. For context on what the task is, I’m a massive doom fan. I enjoy the latest entries in the series. However, the classic doom games are my most played even to this day. Doom II Hell On Earth In the late 90s to early 2000s, my father played this game frequently.
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Leetcode Grind Day 3

Leetcode Grind Day 3
I have taken a few days off from the grind. I’ve been looking at purchasing my first home 🏡. Today’s leetcode problem. We are given an array of integers nums, and an integer target. We need to return the indices of two numbers such that they add up to target. The constraints say that there will always be one valid answer in the given integer array. My first thought is to use a nested for loop to starting iterating from index 0, and a secondary iterator to go down the list.
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Leetcode Grind Day2

Leetcode Grind Day2
Today’s data structure is a hashmap. I have a lot more experience with this data structure. My confidence for today’s leetcode was higher than the previous day’s leetcode problem. Today I’m tackling another easy leetcode problem. I’m going to have to do these daily to increase my skills. My language of choice for these problems is python. Python’s implementation of hashmaps are known as Dictionaries. Hashmaps Also known as Hash Tables, organizes data so it can quickly look up values for a given key.
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Leetcode Grind Day 1

Leetcode Grind Day 1
It’s time to grind ladies and gentleman. I’m starting out with an easy leetcode problem today. Going to work my way up to harder problems as the days go on. Today’s problem, finding the middle of singly linked list. Singly Linked List This data structure is a unidirectional form of the linked list. It can only be traversed from one direction (head to tail nodes). H e 1 a d 2 3 T a i l 4 N U L L Each node in the list has two pointers.
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